State of KindFolx

Man! I’ve really been neglecting this site! It’s a little embarrassing to realize that I haven’t made any blog posts about KindFolx despite having worked on it for over 2 years now! Well! Better late than never! I’m currently in the first phases of winding down the development! Currently I’m hoping to find a publisher that wants to expand the game a bit more, but outside of that I’m wrapping up the current set of systems and cards! It’s really nice started to see it all come together and the touches of polish making the great foundation look more and more professional.

I’ve coded the entire game myself (with of course the help of many wonderful internet resources to make it possible for people like me to do so) and it’s still very surreal! I’m looking to release within a year and also looking forward to an increased focus on marketing and presence! Making this blog post, updating the site and Steam pages are the first step in all of this!

Well that’s it for now! Stay tuned!


KindFolx fall demo!


DON’T GIVE UP is on Nintendo Switch!