What’s new nearly a year later?

It’s been almost a year since the last blog post, can this even be called a blog?!

Yes it can. Because I said so.

And also, isn’t it totally fine if that gap in time results in the most major news to date since I’ve started my game making journey?

Yes it is. Because I sa- well, you get it.

What a year we’ve all had, Covid-19, mask life, black lives matter protests, the kidnapping plan of a governor, the US elections, it’s been an intense one. And all throughout it, I’ve been doing what I always do, HUSTLE MY ASS OFF. In fact, I would argue that because I’ve spent more time home than usual that I’ve hustled even harder.

Since the last post I finished my coding courses and took the reigns into my own hands which resulted in KindFolx, coded entirely by yours truly, which fast forward into the future- already has its own Steam page! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1408730/KindFolx/

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After submitting it to publishers for funding, I was able to get funding for it via Humble’s Black Game Dev fund, and I’m thrilled! Real HARD cash to do the thing I’ve been aspiring to do for years and always needing to scramble for the resources to do so!

This is absolutely HUGE.

Not only that, in the down time of waiting to hear back about KindFolx, I started a new story based RPG project and am currently working torward a demo version of that, but since I’m primarily building up everything myself… It’s going to be a while before that sees the light of day now that I have to make KindFolx a priority along with my normal life (not quite ready to quit the day job)!

So that’s what’s new, sorry this blog didn’t turn out to be much of one, but I will always choose full steam ahead with the development, over writing about it, but hopefully you’ll thank me for that when my games don’t take 7 years to come out of the over ^_^

Oh also, DON’T GIVE UP for Switch is coming early next year!

Until next time!


Happy Holidays!


A New Dev Begins!